Finishing Full Sessions

Finishing Full Session - Whole / Part / Whole

We will look at the role of the striker(s) in a team and how to maximise the goalscoring chances they get to be as effective as possible in terms of finishing.

A Whole / Part / Whole approach will be used, to maximise game time and put the players in as many relevant scenarios as possible whilst also allowing us to get the key technical points across. We’ll focus on our centre forward, whilst also addressing the roles of the other forward players in creating space and chances, with the whole team’s role in goalscoring also touched on.

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Long Range Shooting Full Session - Technique / Skill / Game

This session is all about shooting from distance. The aim is to introduce the key coaching points, give the players the confidence to try shots from range and a better understanding of when and how they might try a long range shot in a game situation.

A Technique / Skill / Game approach will be used, allowing our players to be introduced to the topic without the pressure of opposition players initially, with us slowly increasing the pressure throughout the session until we end with a full match where players are encouraged to shoot from distance in a realistic, game situation.

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