4v4+1 Rondo
- Author: Ian Knapp
- Age Group: U9 to U17+
- Time: 20 minutes
This possession game involves 9 players and is a great warm up activity. Some may argue it's not technically a "rondo", as the team sizes are equal, but because you have a neutral player, there is always an overload for the team in possession. Because 4 players get to rest in the corners at any one time (they are still involved, but just don't have to move much), you can ask your players for 2 or 3 minutes of real intensity before they switch out and get a rest.
- 14 x 14 yard square with a triangle of cones in each corner (size to change depending on age / ability of players).
- 2 x teams of 4 players in different coloured bibs (whites vs pinks below) plus one neutral player in a third colour of bib.
- In the middle of the square we play 2v2 plus the neutral player
- The other 2 players from each team position themselves in diagonally opposite corners to each other, so each corner has a player in.
- Coach with several footballs to the side
Basic Rules:

- Each team of 4 tries to keep possession for as long as possible.
- Neutral player plays for the team in possession.
- Corner players must stay in their corners, which are safe zones where they cannot be directly tackled. Central players can move around the square and can be tackled.
- If the opposition win possession back, they become the possession team and the other team become the defensive team.
- If the ball goes out, the coach sends a new one in, giving possession to whichever team didn't make the mistake and play starts again.
- Play for a set time (2 minutes) and then switch each team's 2 corner players with their central teammates.
Progressions / Variations:
- Corner players must play in one touch.
- Alter the number of passes required to score a point.
- Allow / disallow passes directly between the 2 corner players.
- Limit number of touches for central players.
Coaching Points (FA's 4 Corners):
Technical | Psychological |
- Receiving the ball onto the back foot.
- Passing to the correct foot of the receiving player.
- Weight of pass
- First touch - direction, cushioning
- Speed of play (play in one or two touch with pace)
- Movement off the ball / finding a space to receive a pass.
- Defensive shape (one presses ball, one covers - don't get split!!!)
- Choice of pass (long between corner players, short, bounce pass / layoff etc.)
- Using the neutral player should always create an overload in possession if movement and communication is good.
- Communication (tell the player on the ball what to do with it)
- Decision making - which player to pass to (decide BEFORE the ball has arrived with you)
- Adapt to coach constantly sending a new ball in (be "on your toes")
- Speed of thought - defender roles constantly changing for example between covering and pressing
Physical | Social |
- Speed of play
- Body shape when receiving a pass
- Strength to hold off defenders
- Working as a team
- Encouraging others and not being negative
- Communication
- Have fun!