Risky Business
- Author: Ian Knapp
- Age Group: U9 to U12
- Time: 20 minutes
This game allows the players plenty of decision making, whilst also being great fun. It involves 1v1 skills, team play, passing, overloads, defending (matched up and outnumbered), counter-attacking, shooting, goalkeeping... pretty much everything in fact! It's also a really competitive game, which the players tend to enjoy.
- A small area (size dependent on age), with a goal at each end. Think of it as a mini-pitch. Goalkeeper in each goal.
- Coach at the side on the "half way" line with 10 footballs.
- Two teams of 6 players. One team (attackers) next to the coach, one team (defenders) split in half, with 3 players next to each goal.
- Coach has a tactics board or sheet of paper with a menu of options for the attacking team to pick from, with each option worth a different number of points. See graphic, below for an example of the menu.
Basic Rules:

- Attacking team decide which of the menu options they would like to choose.
- Coach calls out the menu option (e.g "2v1") and the direction the players will attack (e.g "left").
- Coach plays a ball into the middle.
- The number of attacking players selected (in our example, two) run to the ball and attack the relevant goal.
- The number of defending players selected (in our example, one) sprint out from next to the goal and try to defend.
- If the attacking team score, they get the number of points that menu option was worth.
- If the defender(s) win the ball, they can counter attack in the opposite goal to the one they are defending. If they score, they get the points instead.
- If the attacking team score, the same players go again with a new ball played in by the coach, but this time they attack the other goal and the defender(s) come from behind that goal instead.
- Defending players who come out to defend from each goal should rotate so everyone gets a fair turn.
- Goalkeepers score 5 points for every save. They make up a team between them.
- Once all 10 footballs are used up, the points are added up and the teams then switch roles.
- After both teams have had a turn at each role, the game is finished and a winner is announced (either team or the goalkeeper team). Play further rounds if necessary.
- Rotate goalkeepers in future rounds.
Coaching Points (FA's 4 Corners):
Technical | Psychological |
- 1v1 attacking skills - use changes of direction and pace to beat your opponent.
- Ball control / first touch. Weight and direction of first touch.
- Encourage using left and right foot.
- Tricks, feints, fakes and skills to beat opponent.
- Shooting - technique and direction of shot. Can you get an early shot away?
- Defensive - body shape, when to try and win the ball and when to stand off and block the route to goal, trying to force opponent to make a mistake.
- Passing - direction, weight and type of pass.
- Which runs to make to support your team mates or drag defenders away.
- Counter attack when you win the ball - quickly.
- Deciding which option to choose from the menu - what does the team need to do to win. Play safe or take risks - the other team will score points if they win the ball of you and score.
- Communication (players at the side can help their team mates)
- Decision making - when to dribble, when to pass, when to try and score.
- Confidence to try again if a mistake is made and to try different things - different types of skill or shot.
- Competitive element - how does this affect the different players? Winning / losing affects confidence.
Physical | Social |
- Strength to hold off opposition players.
- Agility and balance - to beat a player and to defend.
- Speed - can we play quickly to get our opponent off balance
- Encouraging others and not being negative
- Communication
- Have fun!